Have you ever asked yourself, do paid surveys work? If you are like me, you are always curious about how the internet works and whether you can make money from it. Recently, there is a pop up of multi-sites promising “Work from home” money making schemes with flexible hours and pace. These sites promise that you will make lots of money just using a laptop and internet. Sounds like a dream right?

Well the possibility and opportunities of working from home saw a rise during and after the covid era where most capable businesses saw about 90% of their workforce working from home.

These sites have now taken a liking to exploit desperate and intentional people who are money stricken and wish to make a living for themselves. Job scarcity also a contributing factor to these “Work from home” sites as people go to these sites to try and make something for themselves.

In my articles, I do my best not to mention names as I am not affiliated with the sites and nor do I wish to promote them, however I intend to raise awareness to people whom are looking for ways to make money online. I do the researches on your behalf so that you don’t have to waste time doing what I already did.

With that said, if you already have a job and trying to make a side hustle through paid surveys, this is not for you especially when you answer them truthfully. I am still not aware what criteria is really required to qualify but in all my attempts, I did not qualify for a single survey.

How it works is that, you have to qualify for a survey by answering truthfully and then if you qualify, you are then given a survey to fill and rewarded thereafter. The criteria to qualify is so tight and strict that you may never make any money from these paid survey sites.

Paid surveys do work, they pay you handsomely and you can make money off them, but the the hurdle of qualifying can discourage you. Once you qualify, you have the challenge of completing these surveys which can take unto an hour or longer for a single reward.

I feel that if you get paid $1 every hour you complete a survey, you will be making $8 a day, that’s a rip-off and an exploitation of your time which can be spent doing something valuable that can be monetised years to come.

While I am not against paid surveys, I am very much against any form of exploitation. Always live your worth and get paid your worth.

I know a couple of survey sites you can try, but take it from me, they no good… If you still keen, comment below or email us and I can send you a list to try out.


In your attempt to make money online, avoid these simple scams and being exploited for a penny.

Devote your time to a needed skill and use it to solve problems which translates to capital. Always be profitable in all your attempts.

Today. Tomorrow. Everyday